Thursday, November 11, 2010

my lumbar experience

Jadi, seorang kawan merekomendasikan untuk pergi ke klinik Chiropractic. You might have heard it, but just dont know what is all about. Same here. The only knowledge I know about chiropractic is that it has something to do with your spines. What I don't know, what is it about the spines?

So I went to this clinic on Pacific Place, meeting Dr. Mark Robson for the very first time. Questions were asked, mostly about places I feel most pain, and my health related problem.Then the doctor explained, that in our lives, we move all over the places every seconds, and the tiniest movement will affect your spines. ( I heard something like this from my dentist, but he explained the movement in our tooth and jaw, so I kinda get the picture here).

And all the movement sometimes (most of the time) cause subluxation. Subluxation is when your spines stuck or jammed which blocking the communication flow from our neural headquarter to every parts in our body. So, it depends on the position of the subluxation, to cause you different kind of health problem, and I mean anything. From the most commonly to relate to chiropractic, back pain, to headache, digestion problem, cramps, menstrual cramps, allergies, anything. I think you need to look at the diagram to find out all. Hahaha

For my case, there is a subluxation on my neck, which is leading to early degeneration! huaaaaa *tears in my eyes* And the shape of it, slightly backwards than what it should be.
Do you see the red line? That marks the normal position. This what cause me my headaches, my back pain and my hmmph depression. Haahaha.

Years ago, the subluxation in my neck caused me feeling some pain every time I woke up, and me, cleverly remove the pillow and found that it was the source of my pain. Which I find out now, that sleeping with no pillow on just make the degeneration worse than it should be. Because our neck has no support while sleeping.

Well, I signed on the program, so we will see how things work with me and the chiropractic treatment.
He said I am gonna be unbalanced for a while..hahaha *knife on my hand*

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