Monday, August 14, 2006

loving is loving

I can't tell if this is a path or an adventure. I just let it flow. For life is once in a lifetime though I believe in what so called a reincarnation, this is what I live on now.
  • Loving my family, for my existence in the world rely on them. For the blood running in my veins. Trying my best to make them proud which is a hard thing to do. For everything they have done for me.
  • Loving my lover, as there is no tomorrow. For we don't know what is ahead of us. For our love is protected with love itself.
  • Loving all my friends. For friends are precious jewels of life. They are our closest sisters and brothers we can rely on.
I can mix and match the sentences followed, but it would be the same. I don't think your heart, my heart, afford it loosing one of them.

I appreciate and love them above since they are the best ever happen in my life. Could not ask for more to God.
Since wealth is nothing without love

Come what may. But as I live my life now to God I pray there would not be any regrets in the future. I experience them, I love them, I spend my time with them, I do my best.

for all of you in my life. thank you for make life even merrier


hello said...
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hello said...

eh eneng.. caranya ganti2 font size di blogger gimane sih?